FAQs in section [4]:
[4.1] What updates were made for the 07/99 release? 
[Recently created (on 7/99). Click here to go to the next FAQ in the "chain" of recent changes.]
New FAQs:
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[4.2] What updates were made for the 06/98 release? 
[Recently created (on 6/98). Click here to go to the next FAQ in the "chain" of recent changes.]
New FAQs:
Changed FAQs:
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[4.3] What updates were made for the 05/98 release?
Global changes:
- Removed the grey background color on the HTML version. It now
displays in the Web Browser's own preferences.
New FAQs:
Changed FAQs:
[ Top | Bottom | Previous section | Next section ]
[4.4] What updates were made for the 09/97 release?
New FAQs:
Changed FAQs:
- [1.3] Copying Permissions
- [5.1] What does IMHO mean? (or IMO, IMNSHO, FWIW, OTOH, etc.)?
(added silly acronym-laden comment at the bottom (adapted from e-mail from Erik Corry)
- [16.16] But the previous FAQ's code is SOOOO tricky and error
prone! Isn't there a simpler way?
(fixed some inconsistencies between FredMatrix and Matrix thanks to Jeff Baker)
- [16.20] How do I do simple reference counting?
(fixed FredPtr's constructor thanks to Chichiang Wan)
- [23.3] What's the meaning of, Warning: Derived::f(float) hides Base::f(int)?
(rewritten with the using syntax; thanks to Matt Seitz)
- [33.5] Where can I get information about the C++ compiler
from {Borland, IBM, Microsoft, Semantic, Sun, etc.}?
(corrected the URL for Symantec C++ thanks to Michel Joly de Lotbiniere and added the URL for HP C++ thanks to David Green)
- [33.5] Where can I get information about the C++ compiler
from {Borland, IBM, Microsoft, Semantic, Sun, etc.}?
(corrected the URL for Microsoft Visual C++ thanks to Leila Rannanjarvi, and added the URL for Sun C++ thanks to Aryan Mirsepassi)
- [35.2] Are there any pretty-printers that reformat C++ source
(added information about tgrind)
[ Top | Bottom | Previous section | Next section ]
[4.5] What updates were made for the 01/97 release?
Global changes:
- Added the (much requested!) one-click download
feature. This automagically sends you a copy of the entire FAQ so you
can browse off-line. There's a similar feature to get
a copy of the "plaintext" version of the FAQ.
- Removed those pesky "hit counters" from each HTML page.
- Added nifty forward and backward links just after each
- Added more nifty navigation aids at the bottom of each
- Renamed section [6]
from "Management Issues" to "Big Picture Issues."
New FAQs:
Changed FAQs:
- [1.3] Copying Permissions
- [2.1] Where's the closest mirror site to access this document?
(removed the "USA-2" site)
- [2.2] How can I get a Copy of all the HTML files of C++ FAQ
Lite so I can read them Off-Line?
(rewrote and added a one-click feature to get .zip, .tar.Z or .tar.gz format)
- [2.3] How can I get a Copy of all the "plaintext" files of
C++ FAQ Lite so I can read them Off-Line?
(rewrote and added a one-click feature to get .zip, .tar.Z or .tar.gz format)
- [5.1] What does IMHO mean? (or IMO, IMNSHO, FWIW, OTOH, etc.)?
(added KUTGW (thanks to Bengt Richter))
- [15.6] How can I provide printing for my class Fred?
(added note about cascading operator<< calls)
- [15.7] How can I provide input for my class Fred?
(added note about cascading operator<< calls)
- [16.6] How can I convince my (older) compiler to
automatically check new to see if it returns NULL?
(fixed bugs: new handlers don't take arguments, thanks to Scott Aaron; changed set_new_hanlder to set_new_handler, thanks to Peter Andersson)
- [16.15] How do I allocate multidimensional arrays using new?
(rewritten and expanded with a rectangular-matrix case)
- [18.1] What is "const correctness"?
(rewrote because of helpful feedback from Nor Jaidi)
- [21.6] Is a Circle a kind-of an Ellipse?
(added a caveat that setSize(x,y) isn't sacred)
- [21.7] Are there other options to the "Circle is/isnot
kind-of Ellipse" dilemma?
(added a caveat that setSize(x,y) isn't sacred)
- [21.8] But I have a Ph.D. in Mathematics, and I'm
sure a Circle is a kind of an Ellipse! Does this mean Marshall Cline
is stupid? Or that C++ is stupid? Or that OO is stupid?
(added a caveat that setSize(x,y) isn't sacred)
- [23.1] When my base class's constructor calls a
virtual function, why doesn't my derived class's override of that virtual
function get invoked?
- [29.8] How can I pass an object of a C++ class to/from a C
(added #ifndef FRED_H / #define FRED_H to code)
- [33.5] Where can I get information about the C++ compiler
from {Borland, IBM, Microsoft, Semantic, Sun, etc.}?
(added HP C++)
- [35.4] Where can I get OS-specific questions answered (e.g.,
BC++, DOS, Windows, etc)?
(added Borland C++ URLs thanks to Simon Edlund)
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[4.6] What updates were made for the 11/96 release?
New FAQs:
Changed FAQs:
[ Top | Bottom | Previous section | Next section ]
[4.7] What updates were made for the 10/96 release?
New FAQs:
Changed FAQs:
[ Top | Bottom | Previous section | Next section ]
[4.8] What updates were made for the 09/96 release?
New FAQs:
Changed FAQs:
[ Top | Bottom | Previous section | Next section ]
[4.9] What updates were made for the 08/96 release?
Global changes:
New FAQs:
Changed FAQs:
[ Top | Bottom | Previous section | Next section ]
[4.10] What updates were made for the 07/96 release?
Global changes:
New FAQs:
Changed FAQs:
[ Top | Bottom | Previous section | Next section ]
[4.11] What updates were made for the 06/96 release?
New FAQs:
Changed FAQs:
[ Top | Bottom | Previous section | Next section ]
[4.12] What updates were made for the 05/96 release?
Updated everything. Transformed the source from raw text to HTML.
Reorganized, reworded, expanded, added example code, etc, etc.
[ Top | Bottom | Previous section | Next section ]
[4.13] What updates were made for the 04/96 release?
New FAQs:
Changed FAQs:
[ Top | Bottom | Previous section | Next section ]
[4.14] What updates were made for the 03/96 release?
New FAQs:
Changed FAQs:
[ Top | Bottom | Previous section | Next section ]
[4.15] What updates were made for the 09/95 release?
New FAQs:
Changed FAQs:
[ Top | Bottom | Previous section | Next section ]
[4.16] What updates were made for the 06/95 release?
New FAQs:
Changed FAQs:
[ Top | Bottom | Previous section | Next section ]
[4.17] What updates were made for the 04/95 release?
New FAQs:
Changed FAQs:
[ Top | Bottom | Previous section | Next section ]
[4.18] What updates were made for the 03/95 release?
New FAQs:
Changed FAQs:
[ Top | Bottom | Previous section | Next section ]
[4.19] What updates were made for the 01/95 release?
New FAQs:
[ Top | Bottom | Previous section | Next section ]
[4.20] What updates were made for the 12/94 release?
New FAQs:
Changed FAQs:
[ Top | Bottom | Previous section | Next section ]
[4.21] What updates were made for the 11/94 release?
New FAQs:
[ Top | Bottom | Previous section | Next section ]
[4.22] What updates were made for the 08/94 release?
Rewrote most of the answers to provide general cleanup. Changed the quotation
marks to "..." rather than `...' and/or ``...''. Sample code lines now start
with a tab (no other lines starts with a tab). Everything was edited; minor
modifications everywhere.
New FAQs:
[ Top | Bottom | Previous section | Next section ]
[4.23] What updates were made before 08/94?
This document was originally written in 1991. I have no record of the specific
changes that were made until 8/94.
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Revised Jul 5, 1999