The fields from a line element can be solve with the help of the Hertz Vector [Marion and Heald, 1980]. In order to solve Maxwell's equations we define, in empty space, the vector function [ Marion and Heald, 1980] that is related to the current density and the charge density as
Note that solves the continuity equation trivially, and furthermore, it can be used to define another vector function, namely the Hertz vector as where the fields are then defined as The time-Fourier transformed Maxwell's equations, with and can be solved with the help of the Hertz vector ,(24) |
A current pulse propagates with speed along a fractal structure. At the nth line element with orientation and length Ln, which is parametrized by , the current is given by where sn is the path length along the fractal (or if you prefer a phase shift). The radiation field is the superposition, with the respective phases, of the small line current elements that form the fractal. For a set of line elements, such as shown in the example diagram of Fig. A.1, the Hertz vector is given by
(25) |
(26) |
Before finishing this section we want to mention that there is an inherent symmetry in the radiation fields. In general we will assume that the current is given by where is the step function, and . Note that the total charge discharged by this current is Q= where is the decay time of the current. But since the current propagates along the fractal, the radiation fields at a given position in space will last for a time given by where s is the largest path length along the fractal. The fields are invariant as long as , and are kept constant in the transformation. Such scaling can become relevant in studying the properties of radiation fields from fractal antennae.
In general we will use the power density where 1/ is the impedance of free space, as a natural description for the amount of power radiated through a cross-sectional area.
The far field is approximately given by
(27) |
In general we are going to use a current pulse defined as with and as the step function. Here nf represent the number of oscillations during the decay time scale 1/. We chose the decay parameters as s-1 and s-1, hence , which correspond to realistic parameters for lightning [Uman, 1987].
As a measure of the amount of energy radiated to a given point in the far field, we can define an array factor as From Eq. (A.4 ) we can write this array factor as
(28) |
where corresponds to the parameters from the beginning (i) of the line element, and similarly for the endpoint (f). Also and In is the current strength of the nth element. The array factor can be normalized by maximum in the array factor corresponding to the single dipole, i.e., where with as the difference in distance between the beginning and end points of the dipole to the detector position. h is the height of the detector.